Legacy of the Sacred Saber is an international online church of Jediism. We are a group of curious and compassionate people who come together to learn from and with one another as we deepen our understanding of the world and our individual places within it.
We follow a unique and vibrant curriculum that encourages individual investigation and allows for personal syncretism. We continually build and strengthen the bonds of our community so that we can maintain a safe and supportive space for this deep exploration. We accept learners from all walks of life regardless of race, gender, orientation, socioeconomic status, nationality, or background. This human diversity is what allows us to continue to thrive as a community and as a Jedi temple.

We of Legacy of the Sacred Saber work to uphold and embody the spiritual path of Jediism by applying the principles and ideals of balance and peace in a practical manner in everyday life.

At Legacy of the Sacred Saber we believe in an unknowable energy that we call "the Force." This energy connects us and thus creates certain rights and responsibilities, whether they be to ourselves, to others, or to the Force itself. Being a Jedi doesn't have to mean letting go of other belief systems. Though there are people who consider themselves simply Jedi, there are also Christian Jedi, Buddhist Jedi, Pagan Jedi, and so on. Even if you don't identify with a particular religion it is entirely permissible to borrow ideas and traditions from other sources and still be a Jedi. Legacy of the Sacred Saber is a space that supports people to explore their connection to the Force and what it means for them personally, through both a structured curriculum and by being a part of a supportive community.