The training at Legacy of the Sacred Saber largely encourages learners to find their own sources of inspiration and insight in order to expand and deepen their knowledge on a variety of topics such as ethics, virtues, myth, service, leadership, reciprocity, spirituality, and self improvement. Some lessons may ask the student to examine a specific resource; examples of resources used in our lessons are various Star Wars films, Thich Naht Hanh, websites and articles from several universities, Joseph Campbell, and Brenè Brown. A typical lesson pulls from more open ended or personal resources though. One example from the Initiate Program asks learners to define "meditation" for themselves, then research and try several types of meditation and report on their experiences. Another lesson in our training invites the student to explore the role and purpose of myths, and then try their hand at creating a myth with those roles and purposes in mind.
Someone who has completed the Visitor, Initiate, Novice, and Apprenticeship Programs will be awarded an Associate of Divinity Degree. Completion of the Knight and Paladin Programs earns a Bachelors of Divinity Degree, and completion of the Master Program results in a Masters of Divinity Degree. It should be noted that degrees of divinity are degrees given by religious organizations to recognize educational advancement and are not transferable to any other institution.
We believe that each person has their own innate wisdom, and we support individuals to uncover and utilize it. We realize everyone learns differently and we are more than happy to work with anyone to accommodate their unique style of learning as necessary.